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More powerful than prophecy

Chirstian Choices

This book is a compilation of articles written on my blog over the past 10 years. It is a collection of questions and answers about prophecy as a Christian wanders around the world in pursuit of prophecy. questions about prophecy. In it, he talks about Christian choices. As we go through life, we are constantly tempted by Satan. But it is also true that God has already spoken in prophecy...
This book is a compilation of articles written on my blog over the past 10 years.
It is a collection of questions and answers about prophecy as a Christian wanders around the world in pursuit of prophecy.
questions about prophecy.

In it, he talks about Christian choices.

As we go through life, we are constantly tempted by Satan.
But it is also true that God has already spoken in prophecy.
When you try to keep God's law,
Satan goes about like a roaring lion seeking to bring you down.
There will be trials, pain, and suffering. Paul and James tell us to persevere.
They say that after endurance comes the crown of life.
The Lord tells us that He does not give us trials and tribulations.
He says that even the demons know Him.
It is our greed, selfishness, or selfishness that gives us trials and tribulations,
is our own greed, selfishness, or the temptations of Satan.

We have many decisions to make in life.
Will we choose obedience, keeping God's law?
Will we obey God's law and be obedient, or will we disobey Satan's temptations?

When you have a choice in life,
choose not for your own good, but for the good of God and your neighbor.
and receive the crown of life.
I am a prophetic pastor. But I am a person who hates prophecy.
I want a personal encounter with God rather than a direct encounter.
I am a rationalist, a rationalist, a realist, a realist, a pragmatist, a situationist.
I have been gifted, and isn't it time to walk away?
I want to choose my own path in life, of my own free will.
I don't want to be influenced by those choices, voluntarily or otherwise.
Nevertheless, I take the risk to set one disciple straight.
I tell others to experience a gift once in their lives.
Because once you experience a gift, you can't leave the Lord.

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